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φ ISA User Editor φ
■ By Tim Lang (1:153/924)
ISAEDIT is only guaranteed to take up space on your Hard Drive. The authors
shall be in NO WAY liable for any damage or data loss to your system. In
other words, it should work, but USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
The file ISAEDIT.EXE is the user editor for ISA. Only REGISTERED
users will have full editing rights. Non-Registered users may only DELETE
users and change a user's alias. On top of that they must also suffer
through a 15 second delay at startup.
I have not put limits on the editor other than the legal maximums of the
variable. Please use discretion when editing as OVER-editing WILL cause the
data file to go corrupt and reck the game. Recommended maximum settings
are: Planets - 25,000
Money - $1,000,000,000
Troups - 45,000
ISAEDIT works over the modem now. The only requirement is a DORINFO1.DEF
file. To use ISAEDIT remote, use must call it with one parameter - The path
to dorinfo1.def file.
No other parameters are supported. Calling ISAEDIT with NO parameters will
run it in local mode. ISAEDIT has carrier checking, time out checking and
requires a fossil driver. Basicly, it has the same requirements as
If you are running ISAEDIT in your batch file, the errorlevels
are: 0 - Normal Termination
2 - Sysop Forced exit
3 - Inactivity Time Out
4 - No Carrier
5 - Time Up
11 - ISA.DAT not found in current directory
12 - User record specified not found
13 - Invalid path to Dorinfo1.def file
15 - Error saving User File
There are probably a few bugs in ISAEDIT still, if one occurs please note
the RUN-TIME ERROR code and address (ie: RUN-TIME ERROR 100 at 0000:45DF)
Possible errors in ISA and ISAEDIT:
Number Meaning With regards to ISA/ISAEDIT
------ ----------------------- -------------------------------------------
2 File not found You are missing a file.
4 Too many open files Increase your FILES= statement in your
CONFIG.SYS We recommend about 25.
5 File access denied Either a file has been set to read only, a
directory is full, a RENAME tried to rename to
an existing file name or a file is not open.
6 Invalid File Handle Your file handles have become corrupted, DOS err.
100 Disk Read Error An attempt was made to read past the end of a
file most often. Something is corrupted in the
record pointers.
101 Disk Write Error Generall an indication of a full hard disk.
103 File Not Open File is closed when it shouldn't have been.
104 File Not Open for Input Text file is closed when it shouldn't have been.
105 File Not Open for Output " " " " " " "
106 Invalid Numeric Format Generally this is only caused when reading a
BBS interface file (that has the user's info).
It happens when ISA is trying to read a
numeric value from an interface text file and
there isn't a valid number in the file.
Errors 150 through 162 indicate various HARDWARE failures. If you're getting
these, then something is wrong with your PC and I can't be of much help there.
Some commone ones are:
152 Drive not ready Controller problem or drive not spinning
154 CRC error in data Scrogged disk (real technical eh? (grin))
156 Disk Seek error Head problem or bad controller
157 Unknown media type Did you just change to DOS 4.0 or 5.0???
158 Sector not found Head problem or bad controller
159 Printer out of paper This should never happen since ISA doesn't
acces the printer
160 Device write fault Disk problem
161 Device read fault Disk problem
162 Hardware Failure "Generic" nasty, nasty problem.
Fatal errors generally indicate a problem that must be fixed before you
can continue to run the game.
200 Division by zero Now I hope you cannot make one of these happen
as I check before every division to make sure
it DOESN'T happen, but you it might.
201 Range Check Error Array index out of range.
202 Stack Overflow NOT ENOUGH MEMORY for the stack! Type either
using the swap feature or call ISA from a batch file
203 Heap overflow error Same as 202.
204 Invalid Pointer Op. Can be caused the same as 202.
205 Floating point overflow Most likely someone has used the editor
and put an insane value in a field somewhere.
YOU CANNOT make enough of anything in ISA to
cause this with normal play.
207 Invalid Floating point You have a real thats trying to be converted to a
Operation Long int and its greater than 2 billion.
209 Overlay File read error ISA had a problem getting an overlay from the
ISA.OVR file. If you're not using EMS, then
the .OVR file is missing or is setting on a bad
sector on your harddisk. If you are running EMS
then you have a bad memory chip! (yak)
Well this covers a large portion of the technical support for ISA. If you have
further questions, contact James Hargrave (for ISA) or Timothy Lang (for